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Business Insurance >

OFFICE insurance

Office insurance can protect your business against loss or damage, legal claims, cyber crime, business interruption and more.

RBIG Office Insurance solutions

Whether you are based out of a small, single unit or operate from multiple sites of multiple sizes across the UK or beyond, office insurance can help protect vital business assets.

Of course the bricks and mortar are important, with commercial property insurance able to throw your business a financial lifeline should it be impacted by fire, flood, accidental damage and other risks.

If you rely on expensive technology and equipment, office contents insurance can help insulate you from the costly risk of loss, damage or theft.

Then there's your people. Office insurance can embrace Employers Liability Insurance, which, if you employ one or more members of staff, is a legal requirement.

If you have visitors to your premises, then you will need public liability insurance in order to protect yourself against potential third party claims for injury, death or property damage.

We are also able to offer guidance on the provision of cyber insurance, an increasingly important cover in an era of growing corporate digital dependency.

With a number of options open to you under the umbrella of office insurance, our expert advice can guide you to the cover which best suits the specific needs of your business.

RBIG office insurance services

Because every business is different, no one office insurance solution fits all. The nature of your business, areas of operation, turnover, staff numbers and the equipment you rely on are among many factors that will influence the type, level and cost of commercial insurance.

There will be considerations which, whilst vitally important, may not necessarily spring to mind. For example, when insuring your premises you should look not at their current market value, but the cost of rebuilding.

This is just one of many areas in which our highly experienced advisors can assist, working with experts to determine building reinstatement costs and accurately estimating asset values to ensure you are fully insured They can offer professional advice to help you more accurately determine that cost. They can similarly minimise your risk of under-insuring key assets by helping you determine the value of equipment.

If you provide professional advice and services, they can also advise on appropriate professional indemnity insurance. This can protect your business against compensation claims and legal costs arising from the compromising of client data, breach of copyright, incorrect advice, defamation or the actions of a dishonest employee.

Driven by your needs and wishes, our service ensures your business can benefit from a personalised office insurance solution.

RBIG office insurance solutions include:

Business property insurance risks for which we may arrange cover include:

  • Fire
  • Theft
  • Accidental damage
  • Vandalism
  • Subsidence
  • Emergency service attendance charges
  • Burst pipes
  • Storm damage
  • Riot / social unrest
  • Flood
  • Lightning damage
  • Impact

RBIG’s extensive experience, professionalism and commitment to service excellence provides welcome reassurance that you’ll benefit from the best advice, cover and price. It’s insurance expertise that puts you at ease.
’One stop’ for all your insurance needs
Experienced and expert in the provision of general business insurance, our dedicated team also boasts a broad range of sector-specific specialisms.
A proven pedigree
We’re proud to have served the business community for 40 years. Our proven pedigree enables us to provide clients with time-tested risk management strategies to best protect their corporate assets, liabilities, profits and investments.
The trusted choice for business
Our clients trust and rely on us to arrange affordable and effective protection for their vital corporate assets, commercial vehicle fleets, private cars, key people and more.