0161 304 5000
Liability Insurance


Employers liability insurance and public liability insurance are staples of business protection.
You either must have them, or most likely

RBIG Employers Liability Insurance Solutions

If you employ people, no matter how few or many, then you must have employers liability insurance. It’s the law. This includes temporary workers, contracted staff and apprentices. There are very few exceptions to this under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969.

If you don’t, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) can fine you as much as £2,500 per day. They also have the power to fine you up to £1,000 if you fail to display, or produce on demand, a copy of your employers liability insurance certificate.

You can understand why. Subject to policy limits it protects your business against the cost of any compensation claims your employees may make for injury or illness which is work-related. That, of course, also means your staff are protected through recourse to insurance-funded compensation.

Protecting you & your employees

At RBIG we offer a comprehensive assessment service to ensure your business is appropriately covered.

Whilst most policies will limit cover to the standard £10m, we are able to arrange cover above that liability ceiling.

Benefits our business insurance team can offer you, include:

  • Free, expert assessment of liability needs – on-site if required
  • Health and safety prosecution legal expenses insurance
  • Combined employers and public liability insurance solutions
  • Cover for high risk trades

RBIG Public Liability Insurance solutions

Whilst not compulsory, it is highly recommended to protect your business and those it serves through public liability insurance.

Simply put, public liability insurance covers you for any compensation claims a third party may make if your business is responsible for their injury or damage to their property.

It will also cover legal expenses associated with any claim (all cover subject to policy limits).

Protecting your customers & the public

It provides vital protection in today’s litigious society. Even minor accidents can give rise to sizeable claims, with more serious incidents resulting in multi-million-pound payouts.

In addition, in some sectors clients may demand that public liability insurance is in place, before they will consider trading with you. This may be particular true of public sector organisations.

It is strongly recommended for those whose work involves dealing with the public. This might include the construction, event management, hairdressing, hospitality or retail businesses.

It is highly desirable for all corporate entities, including the self-employed and sole traders whose financial assets could be at particular risk in the event of a non-insured claim.

Again, RBIG is on hand to offer you independent and expert advice on the level of cover your business needs and the most appropriate provider.

Benefits our commercial insurance team can offer you include:

  • A free professional assessment of your required cover limit – on-site if required
  • Combined public liability and employers liability insurance solutions
  • Cover for all types of public and private sector organisations
  • Protection for general and high risk trades and professions
RBIG’s extensive experience, professionalism and commitment to service excellence provides welcome reassurance that you’ll benefit from the best advice, cover and price. It’s insurance expertise that puts you at ease.
’One stop’ for all your insurance needs
Experienced and expert in the provision of general business insurance, our dedicated team also boasts a broad range of sector-specific specialisms.
A proven pedigree
We’re proud to have served the business community for 40 years. Our proven pedigree enables us to provide clients with time-tested risk management strategies to best protect their corporate assets, liabilities, profits and investments.
The trusted choice for business
Our clients trust and rely on us to arrange affordable and effective protection for their vital corporate assets, commercial vehicle fleets, private cars, key people and more.